About Us.

SF Valley Soccer League

S.F. valley soccer league is a league to entertain you and enjoy a good time playing soccer, in an atmosphere of friendship and courtesy, and meeting new friends, especially playing the best sport, together with the family, women, men, veterans, and youth.     

The first concern of this league is to have as much fun as possible.  We are planning to use experienced officials, however we expect to maintain a recreational atmosphere.  Inappropriate language and rough play will not be tolerated.  Contact with teammates and other team players will be kept to a minimum.  Those who cannot abide by our standards of play and sportsmanship will be excluded from the league.

     SF Valley  Soccer League (S.F.M.S.L.) will be composed of 16 teams or more.  Each team will contain 14 players, but only 7 players of each team will be on the playing field (7 players vs. 7 players).  All 14 players will be given the opportunity to play due to the unlimited substitution rule.  The substitution rule allows a player to be substituted after five minutes minimum of play.  A team will be able to play with a number of four players and up.  The duration of each game will be 60 minutes.  Playing time is 60 minutes with a break of 10 minutes in between.   The game consists of 2 playing periods of 30 minutes.  The measurements of the playing field will be 70 feet in length by  35 feet in width.  The measurements of the goalie are 12 feet in length and 7 feet in height.

The games will be held from Tuesday through thursday for 7vs7 divisons (it’s open to change).
They would be held in the evenings from 7:00—10:20(also open to change).
The games for the 11vs11 will be held Sundays from 8:00 AM to 6:00PM (open to change) 
We hope to extend one more option of a recreational soprt activity to our surrounding communities!!

Come be apart of our Sport family.
We look forward to seeing you.