Division Rules (7vs7) page 3

Article # 9
Any protest that is presented to the arbitrator will have to be in writing and a decision will be made according to the regulations indicated, and presented at the office under which article this protest is based. If it is not based on the regulation, no meeting will be taken, no meeting will be taken of any protest if it is said verbally.

Article # 10
The matches will be carried out as follows: it will be played with a time of 30 minutes with an intermission of 5 minutes of rest before the change of goal. All teams will be able to make their changes whenever necessary, the same players can enter and leave, that is the technician’s decision.

Article # 11
Any player who gets yellow cards in the same game will not continue in the game. Until completing the 5 minute punishment. The second card will be red. If a player gets the red card, the team will be left with one less player. Teams that have players with 3 yellow cards will be suspended for a game due to accumulation of cards.

Article # 12
If a team shows up with 5 players, the match can be held. If in any case a team appears with less than 5 players, it will result in the match not being held. The maximum number of players per team on the field of play is 7 elements, when less than 5 appear, they will lose the match and will also have to pay the arbitration fee. All teams must pay their weekly fee. The arbitration will be paid on the field of play. If the required amount was not canceled, he would lose the match and be fined for not complying with the regulations.

Article # 13
EVERY TEAM THAT PARTICIPATES IN THIS LEAGUE MUST COMPLY WITH ALL THE ITEMS THAT MAKE IT UP. Corner kicks will be made normal. Penalty kicks will be charged at 8 meters. Any player who commits a foul within the area will be cautioned and will lead to the collection of the maximum penalty. Any player who commits an intentional hand will be awarded a yellow card. The penalty will be launched normal. In the penalty shootout will be valid.

Article # 14
If a team does not appear on the date indicated, the other that is present will have to pay their arbitration. If the other representative showed up to pay his arbitration, he would be getting rid of double payment, losing the match by one to zero.

Article # 15
When an officer insults the referee, he will be fined according to the referee’s report.

Article # 16

When a referee requests the collaboration of the captain or manager and they refuse, the match will be suspended and the match will be lost and the referee will pay both teams and a fine.